September Closing Update

Hi everyone,

     So there has been alot going on the last couple of weeks. I've got some good news and some bad news. Let me get the bad news out of the way since it's only 1 thing which is that 2 Thursday's ago I was let go of my job because I was no longer needed, the plus side is that it wasn't on bad terms and I am still welcome back there anytime. They did say they still needed me for 1 night to help out but I was an overall budget cut for them, but I needed some time to collect myself because just out of the blue being let go from your job can really do a number on you.

    Now on to the "Good" news. I'm working on a Crochet bag pattern, right now I have the bag section form and half of the fold over flap. I'm thinking of doing an optional closure design so that people can use regular buttons or metal snaps. Also I've been asked to Design and construct a Fanny Pack from an existing one that is no longer usable. So I'll be working on this as well and once I'm done with that I'll have another item to add to my Original designs.  Once I finish the crochet back i'll post some pics.

   In the weeks to come I really want to get the ball rolling on my Etsy store and maybe a website. I'd really like to try to have alot of my Items for sale be custom but at the same time I want stuff that's already made that they can buy and not really have to wait for it to produced and ship.

recap august till now

So i finally got the Charity AIDS Awareness quilt done for the Summer Games Auction. we had set the starting bid @ $100 but it wouldn't even go for that so it's on hold till the next event coming up. kinda sad no one wanted it. Oh well.  but here is a Pic of it.

Been working on some other things as well. some more handbags and lil change purses. stuff to start off with for an online store. also have 3 quilt tops that need to be made into full quilts. one is the star one i made for me , the other is a asian inspired one and the 3rd one is a Nine inch Nails one i made for an old friend for a present.

It's been awhile.

I'm not sure where to start, August was a very stressful and hectic month and September is looking to be just as stressful. I'm trying to work on a few things at the moment. I have a crocheted afghan in the works its blue and purple and i've also learned out to quilt as you go. much easier since I don't have a HUGE working area. In the process of finishing a quilt for an A.I.D.S. charity. not sure what else to write just wanted to through something on here to close up the gap alil. once I get some things done i'll update this again . see ya then. I'm Out!

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